Original name: Salmorejo

Origin: Spain

1 kg tomatoes
200 ml olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
150 gr bread (the bread must be hard, one from the day before: stale bread)
1 teaspoon of white vinegar (aceto bianco)
Salt depending on your taste

To serve
6 boiled eggs
2 cans of tuna fish
1 bread (French baguette), small glasses

Peel the tomatoes and thus, you can avoid to find the skin in the soup. Put everything in the kitchen robot and beat them, and it’s done (easy and fast). Finally, put the salmorejo in the fridge and it’s ready to eat!!! You can serve salmorejo with tuna fish and hard-boiled eggs and a trickle of olive oil. You can put salmorejo in small glasses or you can put it on top of bread slices. As you wish!